Sunday 1 July 2007

News from English student classes - june/2007

At first I wanna give you some advices about prepositons: TO x FOR. Take a look at the text below:

Can you find any mistakes?

"I will talk for you about my country, Brazil. Many people think confusing things about it. For example: The Brazilian´s capital isnt´Buenos Aires, the correct is Brasilia. We speak portuguese , not Spanish. The popular music here isn´t only samba. Brazil´s people like bossa nova, pagode, sertaneja (like country music), rock and pop music. The Amazon Forest and the Pantanal (the two bigger reserves of life and differents species of the world) is in Brazilian territorry. The biggest cities are São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Come to visit us!"

Can you correct these mistakes if I tell you that:

We use TO when you say or give something TO someone directly! For example:

"I gave the present TO my mother!"

We use FOR when you do something in someone else´s place instead of that person! For example: "I´m going to the store FOR my mum."

Try it again now! And bring it to me if you need any help!

Words and curiosities

Colesterol: Cholesterol (ler como no portugues);

Charuto: Cigar (ler: tsigar);

Aquecer-se: falando de exercícios físicos: to be heat/ heated (passado)

: falando de aquecedor: heating - Example: turn on the heating! It´s freezing here!

impacto: impact;

agradável: pleasant;

viciar: to addict, to vitiate

viciado: addicted, to become addicted

Wisky: é uma bebida aqui no brazil e em todo lugar do mundo. Blended é a mistura de duas ou mais qualidades de malte (a base da fabricação do wisky) e, para se fazer qualquer wisky faz-se essa mistura, por isso o nome em inglês para wisky é: Blend - para todas as curiosidades dêem uma olhada no site: : conta a história do wisky e tem até associação!

amargo: bitter;

latas: cans;
principalmente: mainly;
palestrar: lectured;
contabilidade - registros contabeis: bookkeeping;
contabilidade (assunto) - accounting;
pessoa que executa trabalhos particulares após completados os treinamentos e exames: chartered;
no entanto/se bem que: although;
estar alerta/prevenido: awake;
sem direção/ "sem chance": no way/ no chance;
managed: to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult/ organize somthing;
cages: a space surrounded on all sides by bars or wire, in which animals or birds are kept;
be good: the same as: to be cool/ nice person or be tolerant; (the music Johnny B. Goode it´s not about this slang.)
He boasts of: vangloriar-se.

** "that´s all folks!" I must put more informations here, but today it´s all! Any doubts and questions I´ll be glad to answer too.
Have a nice week!

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