Sunday 8 July 2007

Something interesting...

Curiosities = words

loan = an act of borrowing or lending something: "Thank you very much for the loan of your bike".

Nourish = (adj) A nourishing drink or food makes you healthy and strong: "Sweets aren't very nourishing".

Groom = the man beofore the wedding: " The bride and groom walked down the stairs together".

hen = 1- an adult female chicken which is often kept for its eggs, or the female of any bird:
used as a way of addressing a woman or girl, especially someone that you like:
- "Are you not feeling too good, hen?"

prey = an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal:
"- A hawk hovered in the air before swooping on its prey".

rads = (abbr. - UK) Basically short for 'radical'... or 'different but good': "In school nearly *everything* outside school was considered rad at one time or another."

sequel = 1- a book, film or play which continues the story of a previous book etc. 2- an event which happens after and is the result of an earlier event.

madress = The quality or condition of being insane = insano (estado mental alterado negativo);

rip = the famous inscription at cemetery: Rest In Peace; or to cut something into small peaces, but in this case we use RIP (sth) UP: everybody must heard about Jach the Ripper - horror movie.

mild = suave;

Report card = boletim;

Principal = diretor (geralmente de escola);

traffic warden = guarda de trânsito;

nymphs = ninfas;

branch = filial;

intend x pretend: intend = pretender algo x Pretend = falso;

To take a part of: fazer parte de algo ou aluma coisa/grupo.

DROP THE BALL = make a mistake [pisar na bola]
"Following the jury's dismissal, Deutchman said the government "dropped the ball," called the evidence "sloppy" and described FBI agents as "arrogant." (CNN)

Chat Language

ASL = Age/sex/living: it means that the person would like to know your age, if you´re female or male, and where do you live. You can answer like this too for example: 25/male/Brazil.

LOL = internet abreviation for: laughing out loud: used when you think something is very funny.

BRB = internet abreviation for: be right back: used when you stop taking part in a discussion in a chat room for a short time.


"I was thinking..." - às vezes é difícil fazer sugestões para pessoas que você não conhece (formal language). Uma maneira de fazer isso sem ser agressivo, ou mal interpretado é usando a sentença acima assim> " I was thinking we could + (base verb)..." soa melhor e, não é agressivo. Mesmo se alguém sugere algo que você não está afim de fazer pode usar esta expressão para propor algo diferente que você se agradaria e, talvez fosse mutuamente agradável! E, então você pode usar o Instead no final da frase para deixar claro que ao invés de (algo que foi sugerido) você sugere outra coisa...

Enjoy... have a nice weekend! See you at class!

Fontes:;; ;

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