Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch? - Tongue Twist!
2. Módulo avançado Em português : Três bruxas "travestis" observam os botões de três relógios Swatch. Que bruxa travesti observa os botões de que relógio Swatch? Em inglês : Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which watch watch switch?
3. E agora, para especialistas... Em português: Três bruxas suecas transexuais observam os botões de três relógios "Swatch" suíços. Que bruxa sueca transexual observa que botão de que relógio Swatch suíço? Em inglês: Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?
* agradecimentos ao aluno Mauro Campos Silva.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Some animations on Youtube
I´ve found some funny animations or some creative that you can easily watch on youtube from this links below. Most of them is not in English without speaking parts!
Hope you like it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGI_cVCmSaE (bath time)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsjGlKMcEQk (it´s about GREEN);
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdUUx5FdySs I´t´s about KIWI (the animal from NZ who doesn´t fly and just live during the night!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duPxBXN4qMg about birth (something interesting)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqwdUI6-6GU about fishing;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HQPAGagdxM a funny dancer mouse;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpX33C-XMXw don´t think bad... it´s just scratching!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLYSUTYPKXI Oh, be careful! (hahaha)
PAT & Stanley
all from the lovely hipoo and the dog! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MEvbzfYouE&NR=1 on the bath! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvLTTipoa5A&NR=1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MEvbzfYouE&NR=1 (in French... but it´s understandable);
This is for someone who likes clay histories or PINGU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTWv63RyLP8
See ya!
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Pobre de espírito: Poor of spirit
Let - é um verbo irregular cuja conjugação (presente - passado simples - passado perfeito) é igual para todas: Let, let, let! Que legal! Então porque "Let" sendo verbo, vem com outros verbos??? Bom, a explicação que achei foi a seguinte: Let faz "prepositional verbs" que são locuções como as Phrasal verbs mas que por serem assim diferentinhas, elas não aceitam nada no meio delas com a Phrasal ver que aceita um pronome no meio dos dois termos que a compõem. Por exemplo: Let us know (phrasal verb) Let´s go (prepositional verb), mais informações veja o site: http://www.sk.com.br/sk-twow.html é excelente!!!
**** se alguém souber mais informações, ou descobrir algo errado neste blog, por favor me avise, deixe um comentário. Eu não me importo, gosto de ser corrigida.
vocabulary: "Big girls don´t cry" + Curiosity
lingers: persistir;
shelter: abrigo/ proteção;
straightening out: endireitar (pra fora);
forseek: encontrarei
binding: ligar/ encadernação, atadura (noun);
concorrente: competitor/ concorrente/ rival;
internado: interned/ inner (interno);
UTI: Unity of Intesive Therapy = UIT (tradução literal, desconheço outra forma até o momento)
femur: femur;
dude: gajo (rapazoti) - slang
morrow: the next day, or tomorrow;
morons: imbecil/débil mental (slang);
morose: miserável/ mal humorado;
fielder: any member of the team which is fielding in a game such as cricket or baseball and tries to prevent the opposition from scoring;
Um bom game para as partes do corpo em ingles está no link: www.ego4u.com (ingles & alemão);
From the BBC site the explanation of: Gotta, gonna, dunno, wanna:
wanna / gonna
Wanna and gonna are frequently used in speech in informal colloquial English, particularly American English, instead of want to and going to. You will also see them used in writing in quotes of direct speech to show the conversational pronunciation of want to and going to.
Gonna to express the going to form of the future is used with first second and third person singular and plural. Note that in the interrogative, are is omitted in second person singular and first and second person plural
What we gonna do now? (= What are we going to do now?)
Don't know about you two. I'm gonna put my feet up and take a break.
We're gonna carry on and try and get there before dark.
What's he gonna wear on his wedding day? ~ I dunno. But he's gonna look real smart.
Wanna can be used with all persons singular and plural, except third person singular. This is because wanna scans with I want to, you want to, we want to, they want to, but not with he/she wants to where the final s is too intrusive:
What you wanna do now? (Instead of: What do you want to do now?)
I wanna go home. My mum and dad are waiting for me and they wanna go out.
You'll never give up gambling. I'm sure of that. ~ You wanna bet?(which means: Do you want to place a bet on that?)
a wannabee
This term derives originally from the US, but is now used extensively in British English. A wannabee (literally a want-to-be) is someone who is trying to copy somebody else. Usually the person they are trying to copy is somebody famous.
Scores of Britney Spears wannabees raided the shops where she had bought her latest outfit.
Gotta is used in a similar way to gonna and wanna, in this case to show the conversational pronunciation of have got to, or as informal alternatives to have to or must. It is not so much used in the interrogative:
Don't go out there tonight. It's really dangerous.
~ A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
I gotta / I've gotta phone home right now. My mum'll be worried.
You gotta / You've gotta get changed right away. The match starts in five minutes.
Dunno, meaning I don't know is characteristic of very informal speech in British English. Note that the word stress in this expression is on the second syllable, whereas with gonna, gotta and wanna it is on the first syllable.
Are you going to college when you leave school? ~ Dunno!
Will you quit your job if they re-locate to Manchester? ~ I dunno.
When to use these expressions
You don't ever need to use these forms actively yourself, as a language learner. They may sound too informal if you do, although if other native speakers of English around you are using them, there is probably no reason why you shouldn't use them too, as you 'grow into them.' It is, of course, important to recognise and understand them.
Gotta, wanna and gonna in the history of popular music
Gotta, wanna and gonna have been used regularly in the titles and lyrics or popular songs since the 1950s or even earlier.
If you would like more practice more please visit our http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/communicate/ in the You, Me and Us part of our website.
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Trick or treat
Playing with words: Shit x Sheet x Chat x Short x Shorts x shot x shoot x shut
Take a look at www.freesearch.co.uk there are such a really interesting thinngs to know about this words! But in portuguese:
Shit: cocô (e todos os mesmos usos que fazemos da palavra aqui no Brasil);
Sheet: folha geralmente de papel;
chat: bater-papo;
short: pequeno;
shorts: roupa (mesma coisa que no português - é uma palavra no plural SEMPRE!!!)
Shot: atirar (verbo - passado simples e participio passado;
shoot: mesmo verbo do acima, porém esta é a forma presente);
some words:
brisket: carne de peito;
den: espaço quieto/ esconderijo/ debaixo da escada;
basement: porão;
loft: sótão;
Monte Rushmore: The biggest sculpture in U.S.A. about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodor Roosevelt e Abraham Lincoln. Take a look at this site: (in portuguese), and know a little about this interesting sculpture. Is it copy or creation?!
Medicine: remédio = medicina Eg.: Take the medicine (tome o remédio); a career in medicine (carreira em medicina);
I feel pretty sick today! : Me sinto muito doente hoje - me sinto adoentado;
Some good expressions to use you´ll find at: http://www.catho.com.br/jcs/inputer_view.phtml?id=7843 there are positive and negative expressions to use as always as you can!
Temptation: something that makes you want to do or have something that you know you should not - tentação (portuguese);
Sugar loaf: Pão de açúcar; sendo: loaf x bread, quando loaf: significa um pão que é dividido e assado em pedaços individuais e, ainda algo que pode ser dividido em pedaços! Enfim eu não concordo com essa idéia de deixar os outros colocar some nas nossas coisas aqui no brasil... mas como somos muito solícitos com os estrangeiros e, agradamos facilmente quem vem pra cá desde o tempo do descobrimento... então aparecem essas coisas! Agora vai você dar nome em monumento deles, vai?! (rs)
Have a nice week! See you on class!
Bye-bye! Lu.
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Sobre os verbos irregulares - tabela completa
Estou colocando um link para a tabelinha completa dos verbos irregulares que achei no site: http://www.sk.com.br/sk-irrve.html ,uma vez que algumas gramáticas não trazem. Em uma das aulas precisávamos saber sobre o verbo forgive... e, pra dizer a verdade, surgiu um ponto de interrogação bem grande quando olhamos na minha gramática para confirmar se este era um verbo irregular ou não! Consultem a tabela, decorem, tentem usar os verbos nas lições, criem frases, montem textos engraçados, ou qualquer outro que seja de sua preferência, tragam pra mim para correção e, aproveite bem toda essa informação!
Uma boa semana! Bom feriado para todos! Enjoy it!
Teacher Lu.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Reach - Glória Estefan - Music exercise
This is an exercise (a music) to help you about the pronunciation, I hope you enjoy it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkSik5a1Wuc - Watch the clip and try to put in order by yourself, the music I mixed below:
* some words are together, separate them too!
* those sentences isn´t in the right order, and I didn´t cut them as it´s in the original music.
* you can try to translate it by yourself too, it´s such a beautiful lyric!
some dreams live on in time forever those dreams, you want with allyour heartand i'll do whatever it takesfollow through with the promise i madeput it all on thei'd reach somuch higherbe stronger linewhat i hoped for at last would be mineif i could reach, higherjust for one moment touch the skyfrom that one moment in timeseeing more the higher my lifei'm gonna be strongerknowing that i've tried myvery besti'd put my spirit to the testif i could reachsome days are meant to berememberedthose days we rise abovethe starsso i'll go the distancethis timeseeing more the higher i climbthat the more i believeall the more that thisdream will be mineif i could reach, higherjust for one moment touchthe skyfrom that one moment inmy lifei'm i madeput it all on thebe mineif i could reach, higherjust linewhat gonna be strongerknowing those dreams, you want with allyour heartand that i've tried myvery besti'd put my spirit to the the skyfrom testif i could reachif i could reach, higherjust for one moment touchthe skyfrom that one moment inmy lifei'm gonna be strongeri'm gonna be so much stronger reachsome days are meant to yes i ami put my spirit to the days we rise abovethe starsso i'll go the testif i could reach,if i could, if i couldif i could reachreach, i'd reach, i'd reachi'd reach, i'd reach somuch higherbe stronger
* This music was made by Gloria Estefan in 1996 for the Olympic games in Atlanta. Since that time it turns popular. About this amazing artist and her life and goals you can take a look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Estefan, or if you´d like to share any interesting informations about it, with other English students, you can send it to me by email and I´ll post it here! I´ll be glad about it!
** Even if someone has this music as MP3, please send it to me that I´ll prepare the class activity! I also need the music: "Friday I'm in love" - The Cure, to prepare some activities too!
Expressions and words:
Guardar rancor: RESENT
Sapateado: TAP
Ficar na net: stay on-line.
AWHILE: for a short time;
WOUND UP: Very anxious, nervous or angry; E.G.: She gets quite wound up before a match.
HUNGER: a strong wish or desire; E.G.: I´m hunger for an adventure;
ATOLL: atol (portuguese);
Sumary: indice (portuguese);
dodging: desviando (portuguese);
glances: to give a quick short look;
straining: peneirando (portuguese);
swear: jurar (portuguese);
Stuck: unable to move/ fixed;
* try to use those words to create a new text, and bring me to correct!
That´s all for today! Have a nice first week of september!
Friday, 10 August 2007
Do you like oatmeal ?
See ya!
mingau: oatmeal;
shoestring/ shoelace: cadarço;
wading: Wade (verb): to walk through water with difficulty because of the pressure of the water against your legs.
aware of: informar alguém de algo;
aware: consciente;
grind: picar;
grind teeth: ranger os dentes;
vadiar: wading
hex:Hexcentric:A hexagonally shaped nut attached to a flexible looped wire which is inserted into a rock crack as a protective climbing device ("Hex" for short);
Carabiner: Forged aluminum or steel devices of various shapes (oval, D-ring, etc.) with a spring-loaded gate through which a climbing rope can be threaded. The most basic all-around tool on a climber's rack, they are used variously for such activities as belaying, rappelling, prusiking and clipping into safety anchors. (Common usage: "Biner");
chockstone: Pedra entalada numa fenda. Dependendo da situação, a chockstone pode ser usada como ancoragem natural.
Similar sounds, meanings and words:
tough: /tâf'/ - Firme; valentão; resistente;
tout: /tawt'/ - vendedor importuno; importunar; angariar clientela;
though: /thow/ - embora; no entanto; apesar disso (conclusiva);
thought: /thót'/ - pensamento; opinião; idéia;
through: /thruw/ - através; monday ~ sunday;
thorough: /thâ'r/ - completo; minucioso; perfeito;
throughout: /thrvawt'/ - em toda à pate; inteiramente.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Are you a loner or a loonie?
It´s some words used by kids at school! Something nice, interesting and, at least, curious! I reccomend you to look for some words there, just to play with words a little! Try to use them on your day-by-day! Enjoy!
And now, our doubts at class:
absorvente: absorbent;
Some chat slangs:
Dumb: (US) for someone stupid or annoying. E.g.: - "Are they brave or just dumb?"
Dumb ass: (n.) someone who is unbelieveably stupid or does stupid things. (not so friendly, but it can be used between deep friends. Never polite!);
Damn: (informal) an expression of anger or annoyance: E.g: "Damn, I've spilt coffee down my blouse!"; Expressão relacionada ao português: "maldição".
sites: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/c/chatslan.htm;
That's all for today! I hope all of you enjoy this advices and keep your English up to date!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Curiosidades Chilenas
Here some useful slangs for travelers who´s going to Chile, and I believe soon it will came here too!
I hope you enjoy!
See ya, kisses!
tem muita gente que fala em espanhol... e estão indo pro chile... e lá eles tem uma "giria" americanizada que teve origem do verbo "to catch"... Eu não sei como se escreve a palavra em espanhol mas o significado é "entendeu?"... Ex: Alguém explica alguma coisa e no final pergunta se a pessoa entendeu...
Eles até comentaram que talvez tenha ligação com o "gotcha" (axo que é assim que se escreve), uma giria americana para o mesmo significado do "entendeu?"
Eles disseram que lá está sendo muito usado girias em inglês... outro exemplo é "fumaça".. eles chamam de smoke (e em espanhol é bem diferente)...
Monday, 16 July 2007
New words - curiosities!
See ya!
watering can - a container for water with a handle and a long tube used for pouring water onto garden plants;
lap - volta (corrida) / colo;
Trap - rede;
Lab - abreviation to LABORATORY.
Rubbish - MAINLY UK (MAINLY US garbage, US ALSO trash) waste material or unwanted or worthless things. when you criticism someone too: EG.: Why does everyone rubbish my ideas?
Bullshit - complete nonsense or something that is not true: (bobagem);
Doorknob - maçaneta;
knob - gaveta;
gadget: dispositivo/ equipamento/ aparelho/ acessório;
bric-a-brac - small decorative objects of various types and of no great value;
Beach home DIFFERENT than Bitch home (bad word), pay attencion to use it!
It´s all for today! I´ll post more tomorrow!
Best wishes, Lu.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Nice new sites for interested students!
Kisses a lot, Lu.
http://www.estacio.br/site/iol/ http://www.inglescurso.net/barra.php?url=http://www.inglescurso.net/aprenderingles
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Something interesting...
loan = an act of borrowing or lending something: "Thank you very much for the loan of your bike".
Nourish = (adj) A nourishing drink or food makes you healthy and strong: "Sweets aren't very nourishing".
Groom = the man beofore the wedding: " The bride and groom walked down the stairs together".
hen = 1- an adult female chicken which is often kept for its eggs, or the female of any bird:
used as a way of addressing a woman or girl, especially someone that you like:
- "Are you not feeling too good, hen?"
prey = an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal:
"- A hawk hovered in the air before swooping on its prey".
rads = (abbr. - UK) Basically short for 'radical'... or 'different but good': "In school nearly *everything* outside school was considered rad at one time or another."
sequel = 1- a book, film or play which continues the story of a previous book etc. 2- an event which happens after and is the result of an earlier event.
madress = The quality or condition of being insane = insano (estado mental alterado negativo);
rip = the famous inscription at cemetery: Rest In Peace; or to cut something into small peaces, but in this case we use RIP (sth) UP: everybody must heard about Jach the Ripper - horror movie.
mild = suave;
Report card = boletim;
Principal = diretor (geralmente de escola);
traffic warden = guarda de trânsito;
nymphs = ninfas;
branch = filial;
intend x pretend: intend = pretender algo x Pretend = falso;
To take a part of: fazer parte de algo ou aluma coisa/grupo.
DROP THE BALL = make a mistake [pisar na bola]
"Following the jury's dismissal, Deutchman said the government "dropped the ball," called the evidence "sloppy" and described FBI agents as "arrogant." (CNN)
Chat Language
ASL = Age/sex/living: it means that the person would like to know your age, if you´re female or male, and where do you live. You can answer like this too for example: 25/male/Brazil.
LOL = internet abreviation for: laughing out loud: used when you think something is very funny.
BRB = internet abreviation for: be right back: used when you stop taking part in a discussion in a chat room for a short time.
"I was thinking..." - às vezes é difícil fazer sugestões para pessoas que você não conhece (formal language). Uma maneira de fazer isso sem ser agressivo, ou mal interpretado é usando a sentença acima assim> " I was thinking we could + (base verb)..." soa melhor e, não é agressivo. Mesmo se alguém sugere algo que você não está afim de fazer pode usar esta expressão para propor algo diferente que você se agradaria e, talvez fosse mutuamente agradável! E, então você pode usar o Instead no final da frase para deixar claro que ao invés de (algo que foi sugerido) você sugere outra coisa...
Enjoy... have a nice weekend! See you at class!
Fontes: http://www.odps.org/glossword/index.php?a=term&d=4&t=13129; http://www.freesearch.co.uk/; http://www.teclasap.com.br ;
Sunday, 1 July 2007
News from English student classes - june/2007
Can you find any mistakes?
"I will talk for you about my country, Brazil. Many people think confusing things about it. For example: The Brazilian´s capital isnt´Buenos Aires, the correct is Brasilia. We speak portuguese , not Spanish. The popular music here isn´t only samba. Brazil´s people like bossa nova, pagode, sertaneja (like country music), rock and pop music. The Amazon Forest and the Pantanal (the two bigger reserves of life and differents species of the world) is in Brazilian territorry. The biggest cities are São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Come to visit us!"
Can you correct these mistakes if I tell you that:
We use TO when you say or give something TO someone directly! For example:
"I gave the present TO my mother!"
We use FOR when you do something in someone else´s place instead of that person! For example: "I´m going to the store FOR my mum."
Try it again now! And bring it to me if you need any help!
Words and curiosities
Colesterol: Cholesterol (ler como no portugues);
Charuto: Cigar (ler: tsigar);
Aquecer-se: falando de exercícios físicos: to be heat/ heated (passado)
: falando de aquecedor: heating - Example: turn on the heating! It´s freezing here!
impacto: impact;
agradável: pleasant;
viciar: to addict, to vitiate
viciado: addicted, to become addicted
Wisky: é uma bebida aqui no brazil e em todo lugar do mundo. Blended é a mistura de duas ou mais qualidades de malte (a base da fabricação do wisky) e, para se fazer qualquer wisky faz-se essa mistura, por isso o nome em inglês para wisky é: Blend - para todas as curiosidades dêem uma olhada no site: http://www.abcw.com.br/dosedupla/second.asp?secao=editorial&edicao=202&ano=2007&mes=4 : conta a história do wisky e tem até associação!
amargo: bitter;
latas: cans;
principalmente: mainly;
palestrar: lectured;
contabilidade - registros contabeis: bookkeeping;
contabilidade (assunto) - accounting;
pessoa que executa trabalhos particulares após completados os treinamentos e exames: chartered;
no entanto/se bem que: although;
estar alerta/prevenido: awake;
sem direção/ "sem chance": no way/ no chance;
managed: to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult/ organize somthing;
cages: a space surrounded on all sides by bars or wire, in which animals or birds are kept;
be good: the same as: to be cool/ nice person or be tolerant; (the music Johnny B. Goode it´s not about this slang.)
He boasts of: vangloriar-se.
** "that´s all folks!" I must put more informations here, but today it´s all! Any doubts and questions I´ll be glad to answer too.
Have a nice week!
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Music: Cut here - The cure
* I must say thanks to my lovely student who wrote it in an email to me!
Cut Here - The Cure
"So (então) we meet (encontrar) again!" and I offer (oferecer) my hand
offer my hand – dar uma mãozinha
All dry (seco, frio) and English slow (devagar)And you look at me and I understandYeah it’s the look I’m used to (costumado com) know
(É a maneira que eu me acostumei a entender)
"Three long years... and your favorite man...Is that anyway to say hello?"
(Isso é maneira de dizer oi?)
And you hold (abraçar) me...Like you’ll (you will – contração) never let me go…
(Like you’ll – Comparação
Ex: You look like your mother / Você parece com sua mãe)
"Oh c’mon and have a drink with meSit down and talk a while... ""Oh I wish I could... and I will!But now I just don’t (só não) have the time... "And over my shoulder as (comparativo) I walk away
(E olho para tras enquanto eu caminho)
I see you give (dar) that look goodbye...I still (ainda) see that look in your eyes...
So dizzy (bobo) Mr. Busy (ocupado) – too much rush (correr) to talk to BillyAll the silly (idiota) frilly (babão) things have to first get done (ser feito)In a minute - Sometime soon (breve) - Maybe next (próximo) time - Make it JuneUntil (até) later…Doesn’t always (sempre) come (vir)…
It’ so hard (difícil / duro) to think "It ends sometimeAnd this could (poderia) be (ser / estar) the last (o ultimo)I should (deveria) really hear (ouvir) you sing againAnd I should really watch (assistir) you dance"Because it’s hard to think (pensar)"I’ll never get (ter / pegar) another chance to hold you...To hold you... "
But chilly (friorento) Mr. Dilly- too much rush To talk to Billy
(chilly – friotento / reservado / indiferente
Dilly – bacana)
All the tizzy fizzy (gasoso) idiot thing’s must get done
(tizzy – estado mental de agitação / confusão
Fizzy – efervecente, espumante)
In a second - Just Hang On (atender telephone / estender roupa) - All in good time - Won’t be longUntil later...I should’ve (should have – contração) stop to think - I should've made (passado de make – fazer) the timeI could’ve had that drink - I could’ve talked a whileI would’ve done it right - I would’ve moved us onBut I didn’t (passado de do/does – did not – contração) - now it's all too late it’s over... over...And you're gone...
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss youI miss you I miss you so much…
But how many (quanto) times can I walk awayand wish "if only... " (se apenas)How many times can I talk this way (esta direção / dessa forma)and wish "if only... "
Keep on (mantenha-se) making the same (os mesmo) mistakekeep on aching (ansiar por) the same heartbreak (desolador)
(aching – dor / dolorido,
Heartbreak – magoa / desgosto / sofrimento)I wish "if only... "But "if only... "Is a wish too (também) late...
Hold = Hug – Abraçar
Another – um outro
‘cause ≠ cause
‘cause – contração because (porque)
Cause – motivo / causa
That – Aquele / Aquela / Que
Still = yet – ainda
Still ≠ steal
Steal – roubar
Think ≠ thing
Think – verbo pensar
Thing – coisa
Free – livre
Done – Past Perfect
Because (‘cause) – Resposta (porque)
Why – Pergunta (por que)
I will like = I’ll like
Will (ria - futuro)
Like – gostar
Hang On
Hang on phone? - Atender o telefone
Hang on the clothes? - Estender a roupa
Verbo Modal – Sempre acompanhado de outro verbo
Could (poderia)
Must (dever +++)
Should (deveria +)
Ought (++)
Will (ria)
Would (ria +)
Can (poder)
Talk = speak
Pick up (buscar / pegar)
Pode vir acompanhado de uma preposição - Pick (preposição) up
This way – essa direção / dessa forma / dessa maneira
I eat reality. I eat reality food. I just eat in this way.
Too = Also – Também
As… As – comparativo (como / tão... quanto)
You’re as beautiful as your mother (Você é tão bonita quanto a sua mãe)
You seem your mother (Você se parece com sua mãe)
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Blind Date + curiosidades
I´m glad to send you something to improve your English!
Below is something we´re using at classes to help your vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy it too!
And send me some questions and doubts that you have, or will have during the classes, curiosities and any interesting things.
Best wishes, Teacher Luciana.
batata-palha = shoestring potatoes - for any doubts about potatoes you´ll find it on: www.potatoes.com! They love potatoes! how to prepare them: http://www.faqs.org/docs/consumer/recipes/shoestring-potatoes.html
Butt = (slang) Bottom - TAKE CARE THIS IS A BAD WORD!!! For example: "She told him to get off his butt and do something useful!"
Sites consultados: www.freesearch.co.uk and http://www.sk.com.br/forum/display_message.php?message_id=32853
On a date: BLIND DATE
Blind date: kind of meeting with someone you don´t know in person yet;
To boast of - vangloriar-se;
Apathy - apatia;
To chat - conversar (de qualquer forma)
Date - encontro;
Enthusiasm - the same meaning in portuguese;
Karaoke bar - the same meaning in portuguese;
to start off with - começar com (algo/alguém);
Two Blind dates
What do you think will be more successful?
1- Kathy and Ron
K: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the Four Seasons.
R: - Sure, Whatever.
K: - And then have dinner at Cafeteria, or maybe the Union Square Café?
R: - Either way. It doesn´t matter.
2- Sue and Derek
D: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the new bar on the corner.S: - That sounds great!
D: - And then there are free Salsa lessons at Club Tropical. What do you think?
S: Cool! That sounds fun!
A. Explain why do you think they will be successful? (the dialogue you choose)
B. What words these two couple had been used to express friendly and unfriendly each other ? Share them.
To show some enthusiasm you can use:
* Great!
* Excellent!
* Awesome!
* Cool!
To show that you don´t care use:
* That sounds fine. / okay.
* Whatever.
* I don´t really care!
* it doesn´t matter.
The last two sentences is more heavy and can offend the other person.
Chose the best answer for the dialogue:
A. Your blind date is twenty years old than you. You like younger men/women. He suggests going to the yacht club for drinks. You probably say:
1- Cool!
2- That sounds fine.
B. Your date suggests going to a karaoke bar. Singing is your passion! You probably say:
1- Awesome!
2 - I don´t really care!
C. your date suggests two restaurants you don´t really like. You say:
1- That sounds great!
2- Either way. it doesn´t matter.
D. Your date can´t stop talking about herself. You are very bored. So when she suggests going to a quiet place to chat, You probably say:
1- Excellent!
2- Whatever.
E. Your date is your dream man/woman: handsome, intelligent, funny and you have the same taste in music. So when he asks you if you want to go to a concert next week, you say:
1- That sounds fun!
2- Whatever.
** consulta feita no site www.parlo.com
Any doubts, you can use one of my communication addresses and phones, or bring it to the class too!
Have a nice week!-- Luciana S. Santosmsn: luciana_s_s@yahoo.com.brskype:luciana.soares
Para você não ter desculpa para estudar inglês!
Estou criando esse blog para facilitar a vida de vocês, assim podemos compartilhar dúvidas e conhecimentos que surgem durante as aulas e, quando estamos estudando fora da escola. Ou então, nessas idas e vindas da vida, onde nos deparamos com situações, cujo inglês torna-se a única saída.
Não sei ainda como vai estar meu tempo para lhes dizer qual será a periodicidade com que acrescentarei novas informações aqui para vocês. Mas certamente me certificarei de suas respostas e comentários com frequencia e, vai me trazer muita alegria, ver que você está participando desta página.
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* Mandarei sempre tudo o que postar aqui, por email também.
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Espero que você goste e use esta ferramenta!
Um grande abraço,
Teacher Luciana.