Friday, 4 December 2009

Music: Beds are burning

Heloo fellas! (use Google translator to get the message faster, it's really important!!!)

Below I put a link about a music that should play more in the radio, but it's just in selected channels, or nobody notice about the things the music is talking about!
I'm in favor of our land, our planet, our house. And this is one of the reasons I use BIKE most of time. I know it's not enough yet, but I do my best to take care of my "house" earth!
I'm very proud about all the things I receive from this land I live, my beautiful city, nicest people surrounding me all the time, the nature I can see, enjoy, feel... birds, trees, flowers, animals, insects WATER, EARTH, SUN, RAIN... all small drops of happiness I receive everyday to make my life the best paint I've never seen before. Because of this I'm worry about the heating, the worlds temperature and specially my part on it! Long time ago this subject starts and we didn't noticed at all, it was just a strange movie on tv "mindwalk" 1983 (Ponto de Mutação -, or a famous music by Michael Jackson "Heal the world" 1992 (Cure o mundo - and now it comes again to my ears by the project "Time for Climate Justice";jsessionid=6E08D2570B958F9D9DC7F61BFBEAAC4E . Take a look at this last site, it has a lot to see and think about.
It has a long time they are calling our attencion... let's wake up and do something in favor!
So, I put the lyrics here, and on the links you can listen the musics and find the lyrics, some translation, watch the movie and the original campaign. However, it's not just to listen, or watch without any reason, it's to think about! It's to watch yourselves steps about the care you give to your land! The earth you live and the place which never ask you so much to give, but always provides you the best for your life! Food, water, animals, friends... everything comes from our planet!
Hope you enjoy, hope you think and hope you do something to help, you, me... us!!!
Teacher Luciana.

Beds are burning - Project: Time 4 climate Justice (various artists)

Mr. Annan said: "Climate change is heaving a real impact on the lives of individual and communities around the world, we must do something about it! In december in Copenhagen our leaders will have an opportunity to come up with a robust post-climate agreement, such is valuable and will have change this planet...

The time has come
To take a stand
It's for the earth
It's for our land
The time has come
it's a fact's it's a fact
the heat is on
No turnning back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while beds are burning

Mr Annan said: “Climate change is the greatest humanitarian challenge facing mankind today. And it is a challenge that has a grave injustice at its heart. It is the major developed economies of the world which contribute the overwhelming majority of global greenhouse emissions. But it is the poorer and least developed nations that are hit hardest by its impact. By downloading the song, people from around the world will add their names to this growing global petition, and together we will create such a noise our leaders will listen".

(join the campaing in as I did! ). Or:

Kisses... LuS.

tck tck tck- 07 december - Copenhagen -
Global Humanitarian Forum Geneva -

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Blog do professor Nathan Highlander

Hi guys!
I'd like to give you something different to practice English, so I would you listen a link below and write me back at least five new words or expressions you'll learn in this lyric. However, you must create five different sentences using them, and send me back.
Any doubt, just ask me.
Good luck for all of you!

Teacher Lu.** The link is:

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Algums dúvidas em sala de aula

Abaixo seguem dois links excelentes explicando a diferença entre: REMIND x REMEMBER:



TO GET USED/ BE USED TO: estar acostumado, acostumar-se com:

Algumas palavras:

HOMEBROKER: forma de negociação de papéis na bolsa de valores - ver:

ALTHOUGHT - embora (palavra usada para emendar frases em writings;

BRUISES:area machucada - ver:

WITNESSES: testemunhas - ver:

STROKE: derrame cerebral -

ROLES: papéis, função, cargo - ver:

SPARKLIN WATER - água com gás - ver:


FROM NOW ON: de agora em diante/ daqui pra frente - ver:

That's all folks!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Video em Inglês (org)
Gostei desse video e, como está em Inglês fácil, posto para vocês o link para ouvirem, ver e, fazer algo.
See you!