This is the music that I did a translation with some students and it seems a good work, so I´m writing it down here to share with you. Any doubts you can contact me to ask.
* I must say thanks to my lovely student who wrote it in an email to me!
Cut Here - The Cure
"So (então) we meet (encontrar) again!" and I offer (oferecer) my hand
offer my hand – dar uma mãozinha
All dry (seco, frio) and English slow (devagar)And you look at me and I understandYeah it’s the look I’m used to (costumado com) know
(É a maneira que eu me acostumei a entender)
"Three long years... and your favorite man...Is that anyway to say hello?"
(Isso é maneira de dizer oi?)
And you hold (abraçar) me...Like you’ll (you will – contração) never let me go…
(Like you’ll – Comparação
Ex: You look like your mother / Você parece com sua mãe)
"Oh c’mon and have a drink with meSit down and talk a while... ""Oh I wish I could... and I will!But now I just don’t (só não) have the time... "And over my shoulder as (comparativo) I walk away
(E olho para tras enquanto eu caminho)
I see you give (dar) that look goodbye...I still (ainda) see that look in your eyes...
So dizzy (bobo) Mr. Busy (ocupado) – too much rush (correr) to talk to BillyAll the silly (idiota) frilly (babão) things have to first get done (ser feito)In a minute - Sometime soon (breve) - Maybe next (próximo) time - Make it JuneUntil (até) later…Doesn’t always (sempre) come (vir)…
It’ so hard (difícil / duro) to think "It ends sometimeAnd this could (poderia) be (ser / estar) the last (o ultimo)I should (deveria) really hear (ouvir) you sing againAnd I should really watch (assistir) you dance"Because it’s hard to think (pensar)"I’ll never get (ter / pegar) another chance to hold you...To hold you... "
But chilly (friorento) Mr. Dilly- too much rush To talk to Billy
(chilly – friotento / reservado / indiferente
Dilly – bacana)
All the tizzy fizzy (gasoso) idiot thing’s must get done
(tizzy – estado mental de agitação / confusão
Fizzy – efervecente, espumante)
In a second - Just Hang On (atender telephone / estender roupa) - All in good time - Won’t be longUntil later...I should’ve (should have – contração) stop to think - I should've made (passado de make – fazer) the timeI could’ve had that drink - I could’ve talked a whileI would’ve done it right - I would’ve moved us onBut I didn’t (passado de do/does – did not – contração) - now it's all too late it’s over... over...And you're gone...
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss youI miss you I miss you so much…
But how many (quanto) times can I walk awayand wish "if only... " (se apenas)How many times can I talk this way (esta direção / dessa forma)and wish "if only... "
Keep on (mantenha-se) making the same (os mesmo) mistakekeep on aching (ansiar por) the same heartbreak (desolador)
(aching – dor / dolorido,
Heartbreak – magoa / desgosto / sofrimento)I wish "if only... "But "if only... "Is a wish too (também) late...
Hold = Hug – Abraçar
Another – um outro
‘cause ≠ cause
‘cause – contração because (porque)
Cause – motivo / causa
That – Aquele / Aquela / Que
Still = yet – ainda
Still ≠ steal
Steal – roubar
Think ≠ thing
Think – verbo pensar
Thing – coisa
Free – livre
Done – Past Perfect
Because (‘cause) – Resposta (porque)
Why – Pergunta (por que)
I will like = I’ll like
Will (ria - futuro)
Like – gostar
Hang On
Hang on phone? - Atender o telefone
Hang on the clothes? - Estender a roupa
Verbo Modal – Sempre acompanhado de outro verbo
Could (poderia)
Must (dever +++)
Should (deveria +)
Ought (++)
Will (ria)
Would (ria +)
Can (poder)
Talk = speak
Pick up (buscar / pegar)
Pode vir acompanhado de uma preposição - Pick (preposição) up
This way – essa direção / dessa forma / dessa maneira
I eat reality. I eat reality food. I just eat in this way.
Too = Also – Também
As… As – comparativo (como / tão... quanto)
You’re as beautiful as your mother (Você é tão bonita quanto a sua mãe)
You seem your mother (Você se parece com sua mãe)
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Blind Date + curiosidades
Dear students,
I´m glad to send you something to improve your English!
Below is something we´re using at classes to help your vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy it too!
And send me some questions and doubts that you have, or will have during the classes, curiosities and any interesting things.
Best wishes, Teacher Luciana.
batata-palha = shoestring potatoes - for any doubts about potatoes you´ll find it on:! They love potatoes! how to prepare them:
Butt = (slang) Bottom - TAKE CARE THIS IS A BAD WORD!!! For example: "She told him to get off his butt and do something useful!"
Sites consultados: and
On a date: BLIND DATE
Blind date: kind of meeting with someone you don´t know in person yet;
To boast of - vangloriar-se;
Apathy - apatia;
To chat - conversar (de qualquer forma)
Date - encontro;
Enthusiasm - the same meaning in portuguese;
Karaoke bar - the same meaning in portuguese;
to start off with - começar com (algo/alguém);
Two Blind dates
What do you think will be more successful?
1- Kathy and Ron
K: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the Four Seasons.
R: - Sure, Whatever.
K: - And then have dinner at Cafeteria, or maybe the Union Square Café?
R: - Either way. It doesn´t matter.
2- Sue and Derek
D: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the new bar on the corner.S: - That sounds great!
D: - And then there are free Salsa lessons at Club Tropical. What do you think?
S: Cool! That sounds fun!
A. Explain why do you think they will be successful? (the dialogue you choose)
B. What words these two couple had been used to express friendly and unfriendly each other ? Share them.
To show some enthusiasm you can use:
* Great!
* Excellent!
* Awesome!
* Cool!
To show that you don´t care use:
* That sounds fine. / okay.
* Whatever.
* I don´t really care!
* it doesn´t matter.
The last two sentences is more heavy and can offend the other person.
Chose the best answer for the dialogue:
A. Your blind date is twenty years old than you. You like younger men/women. He suggests going to the yacht club for drinks. You probably say:
1- Cool!
2- That sounds fine.
B. Your date suggests going to a karaoke bar. Singing is your passion! You probably say:
1- Awesome!
2 - I don´t really care!
C. your date suggests two restaurants you don´t really like. You say:
1- That sounds great!
2- Either way. it doesn´t matter.
D. Your date can´t stop talking about herself. You are very bored. So when she suggests going to a quiet place to chat, You probably say:
1- Excellent!
2- Whatever.
E. Your date is your dream man/woman: handsome, intelligent, funny and you have the same taste in music. So when he asks you if you want to go to a concert next week, you say:
1- That sounds fun!
2- Whatever.
** consulta feita no site
Any doubts, you can use one of my communication addresses and phones, or bring it to the class too!
Have a nice week!-- Luciana S. Santosmsn:
I´m glad to send you something to improve your English!
Below is something we´re using at classes to help your vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy it too!
And send me some questions and doubts that you have, or will have during the classes, curiosities and any interesting things.
Best wishes, Teacher Luciana.
batata-palha = shoestring potatoes - for any doubts about potatoes you´ll find it on:! They love potatoes! how to prepare them:
Butt = (slang) Bottom - TAKE CARE THIS IS A BAD WORD!!! For example: "She told him to get off his butt and do something useful!"
Sites consultados: and
On a date: BLIND DATE
Blind date: kind of meeting with someone you don´t know in person yet;
To boast of - vangloriar-se;
Apathy - apatia;
To chat - conversar (de qualquer forma)
Date - encontro;
Enthusiasm - the same meaning in portuguese;
Karaoke bar - the same meaning in portuguese;
to start off with - começar com (algo/alguém);
Two Blind dates
What do you think will be more successful?
1- Kathy and Ron
K: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the Four Seasons.
R: - Sure, Whatever.
K: - And then have dinner at Cafeteria, or maybe the Union Square Café?
R: - Either way. It doesn´t matter.
2- Sue and Derek
D: - So, I was thinking we could start off with drinks at the new bar on the corner.S: - That sounds great!
D: - And then there are free Salsa lessons at Club Tropical. What do you think?
S: Cool! That sounds fun!
A. Explain why do you think they will be successful? (the dialogue you choose)
B. What words these two couple had been used to express friendly and unfriendly each other ? Share them.
To show some enthusiasm you can use:
* Great!
* Excellent!
* Awesome!
* Cool!
To show that you don´t care use:
* That sounds fine. / okay.
* Whatever.
* I don´t really care!
* it doesn´t matter.
The last two sentences is more heavy and can offend the other person.
Chose the best answer for the dialogue:
A. Your blind date is twenty years old than you. You like younger men/women. He suggests going to the yacht club for drinks. You probably say:
1- Cool!
2- That sounds fine.
B. Your date suggests going to a karaoke bar. Singing is your passion! You probably say:
1- Awesome!
2 - I don´t really care!
C. your date suggests two restaurants you don´t really like. You say:
1- That sounds great!
2- Either way. it doesn´t matter.
D. Your date can´t stop talking about herself. You are very bored. So when she suggests going to a quiet place to chat, You probably say:
1- Excellent!
2- Whatever.
E. Your date is your dream man/woman: handsome, intelligent, funny and you have the same taste in music. So when he asks you if you want to go to a concert next week, you say:
1- That sounds fun!
2- Whatever.
** consulta feita no site
Any doubts, you can use one of my communication addresses and phones, or bring it to the class too!
Have a nice week!-- Luciana S. Santosmsn:
Para você não ter desculpa para estudar inglês!
Queridos alunos!
Estou criando esse blog para facilitar a vida de vocês, assim podemos compartilhar dúvidas e conhecimentos que surgem durante as aulas e, quando estamos estudando fora da escola. Ou então, nessas idas e vindas da vida, onde nos deparamos com situações, cujo inglês torna-se a única saída.
Não sei ainda como vai estar meu tempo para lhes dizer qual será a periodicidade com que acrescentarei novas informações aqui para vocês. Mas certamente me certificarei de suas respostas e comentários com frequencia e, vai me trazer muita alegria, ver que você está participando desta página.
Esta primeira página será em português, as outras todas em inglês! E as regras são as seguintes:
* Todas as explicações serão em inglês, salvo se eu julgar importante fazê-lo em português.
* Mandarei sempre tudo o que postar aqui, por email também.
* Sempre que quiser fazer um comentário, ou sugestão, ou correção, ou qualquer outra dúvida a respeito das aulas, matérias e postagens, poderá fazê-lo da forma que achar melhor, por email ou pelo próprio blog clicando em COMENTÁRIOS, ou ainda trazendo durante as aulas, mensagem no msn, no skype, no celular... o que você achar melhor! O importante é você estudar, se interessar pelo inglês e curtir se comunicar em inglês!
Espero que você goste e use esta ferramenta!
Um grande abraço,
Teacher Luciana.
Estou criando esse blog para facilitar a vida de vocês, assim podemos compartilhar dúvidas e conhecimentos que surgem durante as aulas e, quando estamos estudando fora da escola. Ou então, nessas idas e vindas da vida, onde nos deparamos com situações, cujo inglês torna-se a única saída.
Não sei ainda como vai estar meu tempo para lhes dizer qual será a periodicidade com que acrescentarei novas informações aqui para vocês. Mas certamente me certificarei de suas respostas e comentários com frequencia e, vai me trazer muita alegria, ver que você está participando desta página.
Esta primeira página será em português, as outras todas em inglês! E as regras são as seguintes:
* Todas as explicações serão em inglês, salvo se eu julgar importante fazê-lo em português.
* Mandarei sempre tudo o que postar aqui, por email também.
* Sempre que quiser fazer um comentário, ou sugestão, ou correção, ou qualquer outra dúvida a respeito das aulas, matérias e postagens, poderá fazê-lo da forma que achar melhor, por email ou pelo próprio blog clicando em COMENTÁRIOS, ou ainda trazendo durante as aulas, mensagem no msn, no skype, no celular... o que você achar melhor! O importante é você estudar, se interessar pelo inglês e curtir se comunicar em inglês!
Espero que você goste e use esta ferramenta!
Um grande abraço,
Teacher Luciana.
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